GDPR Requests

On occasion, people may make requests under the Data Protection Act for a copy of their information to be sent to them. In this case, administrators, if able, should take the following actions. If unable, they should raise the case with a more privileged administrator.

Stores of Information

  • Databases
  • Unix User Accounts (if applicable)
  • Mail (if applicable)

Collecting the Information


A .csv export of any records from tables relating to the subject. Ensure that no user data of other users is compromised.

Unix User Accounts

If the user has a Unix account on any MeridianGroup controlled server, the details of this account should be collated. This should include entries in /etc/passwd, /etc/shadow and /etc/groups.


If the user has an email account, the details of the account, any aliases and a .zip file of the user's email inbox should be collated.

Sending the data

Once collected, the data should be sent as a .zip file containing all relevant data in separate folders. Before any file of this kind is transmitted, it must be checked by a member of the committee, who can be contacted at