
Welcome to this book, which covers in detail many aspects of MeridianGroup.

If you are trying to get to our website, you are in the wrong place!

For users of the server, this book might contain some interesting or useful information, however it is generally written for staff to read, so some of the information might confuse you, or may just not be relevant. If you need help with anything, you can contact us at

Downloading this Book

Although you can download or print this book with the print button in the top right, it may be updated at any time, so it might be worth accessing it online whenever possible.

Other Contacts

If there are any issues with the email system, please contact

If there are any issues with the website, please contact

If there are any issues with copyright or intellectual property, please contact

If there are any issues with abuse from our systems, please contact

If there are any issues with safeguarding concerns regarding any individual, particularly those under the age of 18 on Meridian, please contact Please note that we cannot provide any information regarding to anything they might have said to a member of staff at Meridian as we operate with a policy of confidentiality.

If there are any other major issues, please contact us at

Intellectual Property

The content of this book is fully and wholly owned by Lily Hopkins t/a MeridianGroup, regardless of original author, unless otherwise explicitly stated.